Unintended healer of broken hearts, nectar of the Gods.

Jan 19, 2025

Unintended healer of broken hearts, nectar of the Gods. Calling all women and men to join us on our FREE online, webinar, February 14-16, 11am-2 pm EST.  As witness to the truth of our generation: the trauma, the broken dreams, the failed dreams, the short-cut lives, the ‘everything’ that went unlike you hoped, join us February 14-16, 2025 to “Discover the Beloved Within.” Love is the elixir that heals all that ails us. CXO, CEO, COO, Principals, Leaders, Entrepreneurs, aspiring people, register now! It just takes seconds, only name and email and your registered for an salve to your soul!

Register now! Space is limited! Registration closes early.


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